Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Focus on Hunger

Whether you feel excited or disappointed with the election results, we know one thing for sure: hunger does not end when elections do.

In a recent poll, half of voters said they live paycheck to paycheck; four out of five think hunger in America is still a problem. But even with the current financial crisis, three out of four voters are willing to spend additional tax dollars to cut hunger in half by 2015.

Clearly, we have a huge task. Hunger will only end when we change policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist.

So get involved! Push your president, governors, city council-members, church leaders, and school clubs to work to make sure we all have the food we need. See Bread for the World, Alliance to End Hunger, LPF's hunger resources.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Reclaim the Season

Want to celebrate Christmas without "buying in" to the pressure to buy! buy! buy!? Here are some ideas for gift-giving in alternative, sustainable ways.

Be Creative

Make a personalized CD mix

Bake your favorite holiday treat or homemade goodies

Give a donation to LPF or another nonprofit organization in honor of someone you love

Make your own calendar using photos and/or drawings

Give your time

Give a monthly lunch date for an elderly relative or friend
Give coupons for massage, yard work, cooking meals, outings, other services you can offer
Volunteer at a soup kitchen, shelter, or community center